Let’s talk about male suicide

When there’s a discussion about male suicide the main narrative is usually the feminist one about how “toxic masculinity” makes men suppress their own (or each other’s) feelings, resulting in a higher number of suicides. Now that feminism is losing some ground this narrative was begrudgingly supplemented with the confession that men usually don’t have personal or institutional support networks like women do – a strange thing in a society built to serve men at the expense of women if you ask me -, but this is turned on its head by implying it’s also the result of toxic masculinity. The mainstream notion about male suicide is something like this: men have it so much better than women, yet they suppress their emotions because men are emotionally stunted neanderthals, and this leads to suicide. The proponents of this notion seem to agree that keeping silent about small problems is 4 times more unbearable than real hardships, which seems quite peculiar to be honest.

The simple truth is that men have more problems than women. If you saw a statistic saying indonesians have 4 times the suicide rates of germans your immediate guess would be that indonesians have more problems and hardships, right? The same should be the case for the statistical difference between men and women as well, only nobody seems to entertain the thought because it’s going against the prevailing feminist narrative.

So let’s analyze what’s really going on by looking at the leading causes of suicide in different age groups.

1. Childhood suicide

The leading causes of suicide for children are:

  • Violence or abuse (mainly in the family) – Boys are treated differently than girls right from birth. Infant boys experience more violence, their cries are answered less often, they are treated more strictly and with less kindness all throughout their childhood. Society starts early to instill the subconscious feeling in boys that girls are more valuable than them. The only form of violence that is more prevalent for girls is sexual abuse, but their victimization is treated seriously, they are supported from every possible angle. The same is not necessarily true for boys, whose abuse was (and in many places it still is) largely ignored. And let’s not forget how statutory rape committed by women is condsidered “the boy getting lucky”.
  • Bullying, social ostracization – While boys and girls are bullied at about the same rates, girls receive lot more support and protection from teachers and parents. Boys are less likely to be helped by teachers but more likely to be punished even when protecting themselves. (A 7 year old with a bully’s hands on his throat should think twice before he chooses to kick him in the groin because his teachers will see to it that he’s registered as a sex offender.)
  • Mental problems – Boys are treated as defective girls in western school systems, their physically active, restless nature is viewed as a form of mental illness. They’re diagnosed with attention and behavioral disorders about 4 times more often than girls, and they are given prescription drugs at rates reflecting this. Antidepressants are known to cause uncontrollable mood swings that are behind many school shootings and suicides.

2. Teenager suicide

The leading cause of suicides for teenagers (apart from things filtering through from the previous bracket) is romantic failures. Teenaged boys realize that for about 90% of them “dating” is not a joy but a serious, continuous effort; apart from the most popular guys none of them receive any attention, praise or interest from girls. What feminists say is a sexist stereotype against women, namely that they’re passive in dating situations, is what guys experience first-hand: if they don’t try to initiate contact nobody gives a shit about them. Since most girls receive more attention than they can handle it never crosses their minds to initiate contact with ‘average’ boys. Many men never receive a single heartfelt romantic compliment in their entire lives. This is soul-crushing, but boys are raised to never complain, and anyone can imagine the backlash if one of them would start lamenting how girls never compliment him. Ever.
So boys learn to ignore this, but it still undermines their sense of self-worth and self-confidence.

Add to this the fact that one of the most important hormone of sexual thirst is testosterone in both sexes, something which guys have about ten times as much, and you can realize how dating is a pressing biological urge for teen boys while little more than an interesting pastime for teen girls. This is of course necessary for natural selection to work properly – women have to control their urges better than men to be able to choose the fathers of their offspring -, but it creates an environment where male intimate needs are never quite met. Since popular boys have the same urges as average ones, and no reason to suppress them, they enjoy practically unlimited attention from girls at the cost of average boys getting rejected all the time. Why would a pretty snowflake care about Average Joe when Lead Singer Mike and Football Captain Aiden both show some interest in her (no matter how superficial and fleeting that interest might be)? So for most teenage boys the choice is between facing constant rejection in the shadow of luckier guys or abandoning initiation of contact altogether which equals guaranteed loneliness.

This could easily lead to suicidal thoughts for boys as they feel they face a lifetime of loneliness with no chance of finding a suitable partner. Most girls never experience this feeling because even the below average ones receive a certain level of male attention, so for them there is a guaranteed consolation price, they just have to settle for it. There’s nothing like that for guys. Girls know they have intrinsic value, but most boys feel they are only valued for what they have, if that. They realize nobody will ever love them for themselves, and it presses them towards risk taking, being competitive, and sacrificing things for success, to earn female companionship. Those who don’t realize this or don’t have what it takes to succeed are turning into the “nice guys” and “manboys” feminists love to deride for not being attractive and useful enough to women.

3. Adult suicide

  • Financial failure – Despite all the “progress” men are still considered the breadwinners. Statistics show that relationships where this isn’t the case dissolve more easily – ignorant people guess it’s because the fragile male ego can’t put up with female success, but in reality it’s the opposite: women can’t handle male unsuccess. It’s very hard for women to respect men whose social status is lower than their own. If the respect is gone the sexual desire will disappear as well, leading to unhappiness and breakup/divorce. This puts immense pressure on working men providing for their families; if they lose their job or their salary decreases it not only attacks their self-worth but also make it likely that their relationship will suffer even if their partners earn enough to avoid financial difficulties. For men their resources are an integral part of their attractiveness, meaning that a loss of resources will downgrade them on the dating market as well. Needless to say, the same is not true for women. In a situation where a man is fired and then loses his family as well he’s thoroughly fucked because the divorce drains whatever resources he would have had left. The chances of him starting a happy new life are miniscule.
  • Losing one’s family – Statistics clearly show that after divorce the suicide rates of men increase significantly while there’s no such change for women. This should come as no surprise to anyone who’s familiar with the family courts; ex-husbands typically lose everything while ex-wives experience a negligible drop in their quality of life. Contrary to the feminist rhetoric of men not caring about their families and finding joy in their careers instead, in reality men pursue their careers mostly to provide for their loved ones. Losing their children, their intimate partner and their home at the same is incredibly devastating to most.
  • Getting caught for, or being accused of a crime – It’s obvious from crime statistics that men commit more crime. What’s not so obvious is that many times there’s a woman behind the man. Women inciting men to do violence in their names is relatively common, as is the pressure on men to deliver material goods to women mostly to woo them, or sometimes to provide for them. Notice how women stand in the background while men are risking their freedom to do women’s bidding, while the opposite is practically never heard of.
    Another aspect of this is being falsely accused of crimes. It can be seriously damaging for a man to be falsely accused of rape or pedophilia (something almost unheard of for women), it often leads to them losing their jobs, families, friends and even homes. Society doesn’t give a hoot about men whose lives are destroyed this way – the biggest fiasco in the history of british police was called Operation Ore, a hunt for pedophiles that resulted in a record number of false arrests and 33 (thirty-three) suicides. I bet you these folks offed themselves not because “their feelings were suppressed” but because they couldn’t handle losing everything to false accusations.

It’s not hard to notice the common theme: the most frequent causes of suicide are either specific to men, hit men significantly harder, or have safety nets for women only. Waving all this away with the notion that everything would be fine if only men were able to talk about their feelings is pretty much retarded, but of course our societies leave us no other choice considering how straying from the “women have it worse” narrative is forbidden. If you’re unwilling to notice that men are killing themselves because they have serious problems you must find some sweeping pseudo-psychological narrative to cover the truth.

Strangely enough the patriarchy never shows up to help men in tough situations; their male privilege seems to malfunction right when they would need it the most. On the other hand women seem to be immune to most of the aforementioned problems because society is set up in a way that protects their innate privileges and grant them artificial new ones. The signs of “patriarchal oppression” feminists are up in arms about are not cause for suicide; that there are more male CEOs or politicians means fuckall to the average women. The signs of the so-called oppression of women are always abstract and never manifest directly in an individual’s life, unlike male problems that are direct and severe. If you realize this the feminist explanation for male suicide (ie. that men are stoopid) looks not only asinine but destructive – it prevents help from reaching those who need it the most.

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3 Responses to Let’s talk about male suicide

  1. Danno says:

    You also have to remember that a woman has a last ditch “safety net” that a man does not possess – her vagina. Go to a homeless shelter and count the number of men you see versus the number of women. Almost any woman can trade access to her vagina for 3 hot meals and a roof over her head. Men don’t have that luxury.

  2. Danno says:

    Of course, it would cause a feminist’s head to explode if you argued that it is women’s ability to trade their vagina for favors, rather than women’s superior “social relationships,” that is the biggest reason for the difference in suicide.

  3. ladonai says:

    I don’t think that men commit more crime than women. I just think that “crime” in our society is defined so as to only apply to men. For instance, a false rape accusation should be considered a crime, but women are not (and in some countries such as the UK cannot) prosecuted for them.

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